Information Sheet for Clients

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This is the information sheet for clients (AGs) in the Bachelor-Internship (BP) of the Department of Computer Science.

All employees of the TU Darmstadt can have software projects handled by groups of 4-5 Bachelor students as clients.

For questions, please contact:

Register Project

The registration is done via an online system. Please note that the project must be accepted by the organizers and then chosen by students.

Please also prepare short promotional slides, with which the groups can choose the topic. The slides should include: title, project description, desired technologies, additional details, and contact information. Example Slides

Important Dates for This Semester

What is the BP?

The Bachelor-Internship (BP) is a software project for Bachelor students in computer science. The aim of the BP is to learn and experience the systematic execution of a non-trivial software project in a group of 4-5 people.

What Does the BP Offer?

Employees of TU Darmstadt can offer projects that are chosen and handled by the students. The resulting software should be beneficial for research, teaching, or the university's daily operations. The use of the software should be aimed for, but its suitability cannot be guaranteed, as the BP is an educational course.

Your Responsibilities

Suitable Topics

Project Scope for Students